Is everyone enjoying the summer? I hope you fared well during the heat wave we experienced recently. Poor little Lil got heat stroke. It was 40 degrees celsius in our house on June 28th!
I am loving the strawberries this year. I always grow a few in my garden, but there are never enough, so I frequent Galey Farms here on the Peninsula. I can't get enough of them. I enjoy them on my granola, in a smoothie, as a topper on pancakes, shortcake with cream, or my favorite: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.
I just started working on a new Strawberry embroidery kit. This year some of my strawberries had pink flowers, so I'll depict them in the kit, It is a small 4" design that would be perfect for a card, a needlecase, or to hang on the wall in the kitchen. The kit will be available for purchase soon.
Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, so tasty and so good for you!
Enjoy the sun everyone! Here is Lily keeping to the shade in our yard.